Date: June 5, 2023; 15:00 - 17:00 (CET) Location: Live stream online Organizer: Zero Waste Europe

This event brings together stakeholders to exchange their knowledge and opinions regarding the safety of food packaging as the European Parliament and the Council formulate their stances on the Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposal. The objective is to address concerns related to hygiene and harmful chemicals, explore best practices, and determine how EU laws, specifically the PPWR, can effectively reduce the impact of packaging on consumer health and promote the circular use of materials.
The event can be followed via live stream. The link will be published on the day of on Zero Waste Europe's website.
15:00 – 15:05 - Welcome (Malte Gallée, MEP, Greens/European Free Alliance)
15:05 – 15:15 - Introduction / Keynote speech (TBA)
15:15 – 16:00 - Panel
Dorota Napierska, Policy Officer on Toxic-free Consumption & Production, Zero Waste Europe - Setting the scene
Dr. Jane Muncke, Managing Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Food Packaging Forum
Michela Vuerich, Programme Manager Sustainability & Services, ANEC (The European consumer voice in standardization)
Carla Valeiras Alvarez, EU Policy Officer, Safe Food Advocacy
Eleonore Blondeau, New Projects Manager and Circular Industry expert, Eternity Systems
16:00 – 16:15 - Reaction to the interventions
Wolfgang Trunk, Team Leader, Circular Economy - From Waste to Resources DG ENVIRONMENT, European Commission
Bastiaan Schuup, Team Leader Food Contact Materials, DG Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), European Commission
16:15 – 16:50 - Q&A and discussion
16:50 – 16:55 - Malte Gallée, MEP, Greens/European Free Alliance - Closing Remarks