The Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology (University of Zagreb)
The Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb (UNIZG) is partner on FitNESS 2.0 project. The Faculty’s main activities are education and research in Food Science & Technology; Biotechnology and Nutrition on 3 cycle: bachelor, master and doctoral studies with the implementation of ECTS credits. Faculty, through its Laboratory for Food Packaging is involved in both teaching and research area on this topic for the last 40 years.

Involved persons

Kata Galic
Prof Dr Kata Galić, is full professor at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology. Her educational and scientific work is mainly in food packaging sector. She graduated in 1982, and received her M.Sc. in 1985 and Ph.D. degree in 1989, from the UNIZG. She received The British Council Fellowship, from 1990 to 1991, and J.W.T. Jones Fellowship in 1994. She is the member of numbers of national societies as well as the member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), European Federation of Food Science and Technology (The Netherlands). Her research interest includes food packaging material characterization and selection for particular food product; effect of the packaging material on packaged food shelf-life.
She published as author or co-author 97 scientific papers (h-index 19), 20 professional papers, 3 books and 13 book chapters. Her teaching experience includes all three levels of teaching as well as supervision of diploma (33), master (4) doctoral (4) and two (2) professional thesis. She was a vice-dean for the international scientific cooperation (2001-2003).
Tasks on the project: Involvement in organisation of the project topics. Development and updating of supporting project materials. Control and/or correction of the project documents. All meetings (consortium meeting, regular online meetings, meetings with one or more partners etc.) and webinar attendance and active discussion for further improvements. On-time Information and reports delivery on demand by coordinator and/or partners. Project dissemination.
Mario Scetar
Assoc. prof Mario Ščetar, PhD, has 5-year experience in food industry (food packaging material sector), and 13 years at the Faculty. He is involved in polymeric food packaging materials characterisation & selection for specific food product packaging. This involves characterization packaging films and foods: physico-chemical approach, permeation characterization of polymers. He graduated in 2003, and finished his PhD degree in 2014. Up to date he worked on several national (4) projects. He also worked on the realisation of Fitness project (Erasmus+). Currently he is involved in Fitness2 and Cost Action on food packaging (Circul-a-bility). He published as author or co-author 30 scientific papers (h-index 12), 5 professional papers and 5 book chapters. He participated on more than 30 scientific and professional congresses, and many workshops and seminars for the promotion of science. As associated professor, he gives lectures on Bachelor and Master studies, on problematics related to food packaging and food shelf-life.
Tasks on the project: Development and updating of supporting project materials Attendance on meetings (consortium meeting, regular online meetings, meetings with one or more partners etc.), attendance on webinars and active discussion for further improvements. On-time Information and delivery of documents on demand by coordinator and/or partners. Project dissemination.
Mia Kurek
Assist. prof Mia Kurek, PhD, has 14-year experience in the area of food contact materials, in educational and scientific field. This involves characterization of the active molecules transfers between active packaging films and foods: physico-chemical approach, permeation characterization of polymers. She graduated in 2007, and finished cotutelle de these in University of Burgundy in order to obtain her PhD degree in 2012. Up to date she worked on several national (4), bilateral (1) and international scientific projects (3). She also worked on the realisation of Fitness project (Erasmus+). Currently she is involved in Fitness2 and Cost Action on food packaging (Circul-a-bility). She published as author or co-author 37 scientific papers (h-index 14), 8 professional papers and 7 book chapters. She participated on more than 30 scientific and professional congresses, and many workshops and seminars for the promotion of science. As assistant professor, she gives lectures on Bachelor and Master studies, on problematics related to food packaging and food shelf-life.
Tasks on the project: Development and updating of supporting project materials Attendance on meetings (consortium meeting, regular online meetings, meetings with one or more partners etc.), attendance on webinars and active discussion for further improvements. On-time Information and delivery of documents on demand by coordinator and/or partners. Project dissemination.