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Open courseware on responsible food packaging

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The French Network for Food Technology Institutes (ACTIA, France) and the French National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE, France)

The French Network for Food Technology Institutes (ACTIA) is a non-profit organisation that unites the activities of Food Technology institutes and technical centres, whose 1,200 researchers, engineers and technicians provide daily support for companies, especially SMEs. ACTIA is coordinating the FitNESS 2.0 project and brings its expertise in project management and communication activities.

LNE (750 staff people), third party of ACTIA, is the French national laboratory for testing and metrology, established since 1901. In addition to its missions of primary level metrology coordinator for France, the laboratory has to ensure safety of French citizen in all fields and quality of industrial products.

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The Chemistry and Physical chemistry of materials Department (50 staff people) developed its research activities in the field of food contact materials in order to improve the knowledge on materials and packaging and the control of their safety and quality. These activities are organized to provide tools i) analysis, ii) consultancy and advice, iii) training courses, iv) technical and legal compliance surveys, v) audits to industries, in order to let them assess and control their production process. More specifically, the department is involved in food packaging interactions and risk assessment, active packaging with the migrations control of active compounds in food, evaluation of the effects of new preservative technologies for food on packaging materials, packaging hygiene control,...

At last, LNE has been recognized as NRL (National Reference Laboratory) for food contact materials, works actively with the European CRL of ISPRA (Joint Research Center), is expert for EFSA (The European Food Safety Authority), ANSES (French Sanitary Agency) and is member of the working group managed by DGCCRF (Ministry in charge of packaging materials in contact with food) concerning the safety of food contact material. Since 2021, LNE is recognized as Competent Organisation of EFSA on “contact materials, enzymes and / or processing aids”, “Chemical contaminants in the food chain” and “Nanotechnoly”.


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