On November 27 - 28, 2023, the FitNESS training session under the theme 'Considering the environmental impacts of food packaging: Science-policy updates, tools, and challenges' took place. The event was a great success with various expert speakers sharing their insights. The event was attended by 87 people on the first day and 56 people on the second day. Find all the individual recordings and presentations from each talk below, or the complete playlist linked in the button at the top and bottom of the page.
Introduction to the FitNESS Project and Platform - Wilfried Paget, ACTIA
Overview of new features/modules in FitNESS 2.0 - Steward Ouadi, AgroParisTech
Latest developments on Food Contact Material regulation - Jean-Mario Julien, LNE
Recapping recent international science-policy efforts toward safe and sustainable FCMs - Justin Boucher, Food Packaging Forum
PPWR: Regulatory context, policy process, and latest developments - Dorota Napierska, Zero Waste Europe
Are food contact materials a source of endocrine disruption? - Jean-Baptiste Fini, MNHN
Tools for Life Cycle Impact Assessment - Sandra Domenek, AgroParisTech
Methodologies used in Life Cycle Assessment: Examples applied to food packaging - Fatima Poças, UCP
Biodegradation of post-consumer packaging waste - Ilke Uysal Ünalan, Aarhus University