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Open courseware on responsible food packaging

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Training session: Recycling Food Packaging: Technologies, Safety and Quality for Food Contact and the New Plastics Recycling Regulation
7th and 8th March 2023 - Porto (Portugal) or online
Organised by the FitNESS 2.0 project
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We would like to invite you to be part of our training session on “Recycling Food Packaging: Technologies, Safety and Quality for Food Contact and the New Plastics Recycling Regulation”. This event will take place on March 7th and 8th, in Porto (Portugal). This training session aims to:

  • Introduce/share information about the FitNESS platform

  • Explain/train on new recycling technologies and Food contact material (FCM) regulations

  • Prepare/gather information needed for refining the new recycling modules

  • Provide industry with technical information, understanding and a forum of discussion for the recent regulations


Target audiences

  • Trainees and trainers using the FitNESS platform

  • Food service industry members (brands/retailers)

  • Packaging suppliers, converters, and recyclers

Webinar: Ensuring packaging practitioners are fit for the future: Recent scientific and policy developments on plastic food packaging
9 February 2023 - 10:30 - 12:00 (CET time) - online
Organised by the FitNESS 2.0 project

For no other packaging material type are changes happening faster than for plastics. The European Union introduced a restriction on single-use plastic items and revised its plastics recycling regulation, individual countries are passing additional requirements, and negotiations for a new UN plastics treaty with potentially very wide-ranging impacts have started. Scientific research to ensure the safety of new and recycled packaging materials has also advanced. Join us for a webinar that will put these developments into perspective and share how the free training materials being developed by the FitNESS 2.0 project will help packaging current and future practitioners stay on top of the changes.


10:30 – 10:35 - Introduction to the FitNESS 2.0 project (Actia)

10:35 – 10:50 - Global policy initiatives on plastics: EU single-use plastics directive and the UN plastics treaty (Zero Waste Europe)

10:50 – 11:10 - Evolution and impact of the new EU Regulation 2022/1616 on recycled plastics and industrial practices (LNE)

11:10 – 11:30 - Safety Issues for New and recycled Packaging Materials (AgroParisTech/INRAE)

11:30 – 11:40 - Presentation of the FitNESS platform (Institut Agro Dijon)

11:40 – 12:00 -  Exchange with participants

Workshop: Implications of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directives on the creation and adoption of sustainable food packaging systems: a USA-France interaction
18 November 2022 - Dijon (France)

The proposed workshop will bring national and international policymakers, academia, and industry stakeholders of the packaging supply chain to discuss the implication of the new EU Packaging Waste Directive on creating and implementing sustainable food packaging systems for the EU and export market. It also aimed at identifying the main food products concerns and priorities for solving these issues and developing a shared understanding of sustainable packaging systems to enhance Franco-American cooperation.

Packaging - Implementation of the 3R strategy
13 and 14 September 2022 - Lyon (France) - Organised by the RMT Actia Propack Food

For Food and packaging professionals

In France, the 3R decree sets quantified objectives by 2025 in order to reduce single-use plastic packaging by 20%, part of which through reuse. But where are the technical solutions today?
To take stock of the situation, understand the regulations, know the tools available and remove obstacles, ACTIA RMT PROPACK FOOD, IPC and POLYVIA are inviting you to take part in a unique event for those involved in packaging in contact with food:

  • Visit of the flexible and rigid plastics recycling pilot line at IPC Oyonnax (13/09 afternoon - Lyon / Oyonnax shuttle)

  • Day of expert conferences at Polyvia (14/09 in Lyon)

    Alimentarity of recycled plastic materials
    Definition of reuse
    Improved recyclability
    End of life of biosourced or biodegradable materials

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Workshop: Taking stock of the past decade: What has changed and what’s to come?
6 octobre 2022 - Zürich (Switzerland) - Organised by the Food Packaging Forum

About the 2022 Workshop


Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind event in the field of food packaging and health to learn about recent developments in science, business, advocacy, and regulation as well as to share perspectives and experiences! This annual gathering brings together a diverse group of hundreds of international stakeholders from government, industry, food service, retail, academia, civil society, and beyond. It will be held in a hybrid format that allows participants to join either in person or online to follow and engage in the presentations and discussions from anywhere. Participants that join in person are also welcome to register for a networking dinner after the main event.

What’s more, this year the Food Packaging Forum is celebrating its 10th anniversary! We invite you to join us on Thursday, October 6, 2022, for a day of insightful expert presentations, panel discussions, and networking under the theme “Taking stock of the past decade: What has changed and what’s to come?” Discussions throughout the day will reflect on key advancements made in science, policy, and practice related to food contact materials (FCMs) and health, as well as look forward to consider challenges that remain and discuss where the field should be headed.

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